Crawling In The Dark
Guitar Pro Tab | v5.10
| Posted on Feb. 22, 2012, 6:58 p.m.
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I will de di cate and sa cri fice my e very thing
For just a se conds worth of how my sto ry's en ding
I wish I could know if the di rec tions that I take
And all the choi ces that I make won't end up all for no thing
Show me what it's for
Make me un der stand it
I've been crawl ing in the dark
Look ing for the an swer
Is there some thing more
Than what I've been han ded?
I've been crawl ing in the dark
Look ing for the an swer
Show me what it's for
Make me un der stand it
I've been crawl ing in the dark
Look ing for the an swer
Is there some thing more
Than what I've been han ded?
I've been crawl ing in the dark
Look ing for the an swe er
So when and how will I know? know know know know know know
How much fur ther do I have to go?
How much lon gerun til I fin ally know?
Cause I'm look ing and I just can't see what's in front of me
In front of m e
Show me what its for
Make me un der stand it
I've been crawl ing in the dark
Look ing for the an swer
Is there some thing more
Than what I've been han ded?
I've been crawl ing in the dark
Look ing for the an swe er